DJ Hauschild Headshot

DJ Hauschild

Content Strategist


DJ began his career in higher education as an undergraduate student, applying to be a resident assistant to both get involved and reduce the financial impact of staying in college. More than a decade later, this foundation continues to support DJ’s love for student affairs work and his focus on the accessibility of the holistic college experience.

DJ comes to TVP Communications from Temple University, where he spent roughly 10 years in various roles within University Housing and Residential Life while earning his Master’s degree in communication management before becoming the chief content strategist for the Division of Student Affairs. In this role, he helped keep strategic priorities in focus during pandemic response, ensured divisional communication and marketing efforts were aligned with institutional direction and industry best practices, and oversaw digital communications and engagement for University Housing and Residential Life.

Outside of Temple University, DJ has worked with Josie Ahlquist to share the ins and outs of digital engagement for higher ed professionals and support their efforts to build impactful digital communities. He was also a part of the NASPA 2022 Virtual Experience team that was instrumental in building and managing the Discord server for all 2022 Annual Conference attendees. He brings a toolkit of content creation, strategic planning, internal storytelling, systems thinking, and writing for diverse audiences and intentions.

As part of the TVP Communications team, DJ helps drive internal storytelling and support the incredibly talented team that have helped position TVP Comms as an integral piece of the higher education landscape. He works with each team member to help amplify their work and ensure that someone is telling the story of the storytellers. DJ is a Certified Digital Marketing Professional through the Digital Marketing Institute, in association with the American Marketing Association.

DJ was born and raised in southeastern Pennsylvania and is a fervent Philly sports fan. When he’s not cooking new homemade recipes with his wife and children or playing tug-of-war with his dog, DJ can likely be found reading Marvel comics, doing yard work, or assembling Lego sets.