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Week in Review: October 19, 2018

What’s new this week:

Grinnell College professors George Barlow and Barbara Trish examine the similarities between 1968 and 2018 with athletes changing the conversation around racism in a piece for The Washington Post.

There’s a newfound enthusiasm for women’s colleges, and Scripps College Vice President for Enrollment Victoria Romero weighs in on why that is in this Chronicle of Higher Education article.

This week on Inside Higher Ed’s Call to Action blogdon’t miss a post on putting shared governance to work for better outcomes.

What we’ve been talking about:

Ever wonder how pitching a podcast is different from pitching traditional media? In an interview for Inside Higher Ed’s Call to Action blog, Cristal spoke with Science Friday Senior Producer Christian Intagliata to answer that question and more.

What’s next on our calendars:

Teresa will lead an Academic Impressions webinar on “How to Write an Effective Op-Ed in Higher Education” on October 23 from 1-2 p.m. ET.

Erin will deliver a general session keynote on effective media management at the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers’ Fall Workshop in Point Clear, Ala., on October 30.

On November 7, Teresa and Erin will lead a workshop on understanding and planning for institutional crises at the 2018 American Marketing Association Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education in Orlando, Fla.

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