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COVID-19 Resources for Communicators

TVP Communications has gathered helpful COVID-19 resources for communicators.

As communicators continue to adjust to our collective new normal, the TVP Comms team hopes you and yours are healthy and safe. We’ve collected some resources that we’ve been relying on over the last couple of weeks as we advise colleges and universities on their response to COVID-19. We hope they’re helpful to you, too, and ask you to share any resources you’ve found helpful below or via Twitter — we’re at @TVPComms.

American Press Institute’s guide for newsrooms provides content and tools for covering COVID-19 responsibly.

Associated Press’ Coronavirus Topical Guide provides guidance on word usage and style when writing about COVID-19 and coronavirus.

Bryan Alexander’s COVID-19 resources include a crowd-sourced spreadsheet that captures information on how institutions across the country are adapting operations.

Campus Sonar’s Coronavirus Higher Education Industry Briefing provides data and analysis of the online conversation about COVID-19.

CarnegieDartlet’s survey of high school seniors surfaces perceptions of the impact of coronavirus on their college plans.

The Chronicle of Higher Education and Inside Higher Ed are providing running COVID-19 updates all day, often as news breaks.

EAB’s Higher Education Resource Center collects sample policies and communications used by various institutions.

Information Is Beautiful’s COVID-19 data visualizations convert raw data into beautifully designed visualizations that provide important perspective.

Poynter Institute’s guide to consuming COVID-19 news is a useful tool for those who want to stay informed while staving off the negative effects of information overload.

We hope these COVID-19 resources for communicators are useful, and we look forward to seeing what you have to share on Twitter.