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Week in Review: October 26, 2018

What’s new this week:

This U.S. News & World Report article on how to help aging parents manage their portfolios features expertise from Scripps College Professor Stacey Wood. She also describes how her elderly father being targeted in a financial scam helped her broach the conversation about money.

Professor Catherine Bagwell at Oxford College of Emory University explains that separation anxiety is developmentally appropriate for young children in this Washington Post piece, and that the absence of it may even signal problems for children under six.

This week on Inside Higher Ed’s Call to Action blog, be sure to check out an argument for moving digital advertising up the funnel.

What we’ve been talking about:

This week, Teresa led an Academic Impressions webinar on how to write an effective op-ed in higher education.

What’s next on our calendars:

Erin will deliver a general session keynote on effective media management at the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers’ Fall Workshop in Point Clear, Ala., on October 30.

Teresa and Erin will be heading to the 2018 American Marketing Association Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education in Orlando, Fla.; they will lead a roundtable on November 5 and on November 7, they will lead a workshop on understanding and planning for institutional crises.

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