Our guest for this week’s episode is Teresa Valerio Parrot, Principal at TVP Communications. She has a wide-ranging conversation on this current […]
Trusted Voices Podcast: The Big Takeaways From Our Conversation with Amy Privette Perko
Teresa and Erin discuss how to educate university leadership on managing intercollegiate athletic programs.
Trusted Voices Podcast: Amy Privette Perko on the NCAA, NIL, and Today’s Student-Athlete Experience
On the eve of March Madness, this week’s episode is all about college athletics and the NCAA.
Josie and the Podcast: Leadership isn’t a popularity contest with Teresa Valerio Parrot
Teresa and Josie catch up in this episode, diving into what to prioritize on social media, why leaders should move […]
Podcast Crossover: The College Board’s Trouble in Florida
Trusted Voices podcast hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot and Erin Hennessy join the show to discuss the College Board chaos in […]
Trusted Voices Podcast: What We Learned From Our Conversation with Eric Hoover
Teresa and Erin discuss the potential value of a collective, collaborative campaign around the value of a higher education.
Trusted Voices Podcast: Eric Hoover on Student Experiences and Higher Ed’s Trust Issues
The senior writer from The Chronicle of Higher Education shares his perspective based on his reporting; plus, a roundup of […]
The Servant Marketer: Teresa Valerio Parrot | Building Consensus Through Persuasion
Teresa Valerio Parrot, Principal at TVP Communications, shares her insights on how persuasion is used for good to influence and empower […]
Trusted Voices Podcast: What We Learned From Our Conversation with Vincent Rougeau
Teresa and Erin discuss openness and honesty at the leadership level, and new paths to the college presidency.