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Week in Review: June 22, 2018

What’s new this week:

“Discrimination isn’t just unethical. It’s immoral,” says Professor David Gowler of Oxford College at Emory University as he weighs in on the Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop decision and the family separation crisis at the border for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Also appearing in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution this week is Oxford College at Emory University professor Patricia Owen-Smith and the contemplative practices she uses in her classes to cultivate deeper learning.

Even though Trump reversed course on immigrant family separation, Longwood University professor Ian Danielsen explains that the trauma could last a lifetime in this must-read Salon piece.

Grinnell College professor Elizabeth Prevost discusses anti-Semitism in the 1920s and 1930s in this Forward article on the secret Jewish history of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Beloved Infidel.

This week onInside Higher Ed’s Call to Action blogdon’t miss posts on the problem with “giving days” and a look at the challenges of viewbooks over the years.

What we’ve been talking about:

In an article for The Seattle Times on the anticipated big drop in enrollment at Evergreen State College, Teresa explains how campus news, conflicts, and crises are no longer confined to a campus audience.

After hearing news of several elite D.C. schools ditching AP, Ali took a look at the disadvantages of no longer offering the program in a piece for Inside Higher Ed.

Erin’s thoughts on social media and college presidents, which originally appeared in this Inside Higher Ed article, also ran in the Times Higher Education.

What’s next on our calendars:

Teresa will present at the Academic Impressions conference “Crafting Presidential Voice: Strategies for Communications and Marketing Teams”on September 17-18 in Milwaukee.

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