July 1 will mark my one-year anniversary as part of the TVP Comms team. When I joined the team, I […]
Our Thinking
Quick Hit: The Campus Novel
Despite the facts that 1) I love reading and 2) I love (and work closely with) higher ed, I’m kind […]
Week in Review: Chatterbox
Recently, my daughter’s vocabulary has exploded; it seems like she’s learning new words and little phrases every day. Granted, she’s […]
The Luxury of Choice
I’m a big fan of College Signing Day. Not the official sports-related one, but the national one that celebrates students […]
Tales from a Prospective Parent
I am pleased to announce I am officially the mother of a prospective college student. ME! Yes, me!! Truth be […]
Week in Review: Heating Things Up
We had our second official heat wave of the year this week in Massachusetts (where Cristal and I live) and […]
Quick Hit: Rethinking Your Pitch
I’m not a cover-to-cover reader of Entrepreneur magazine, but do find myself on their site fairly regularly for higher education-related […]
Week in Review: Lettuce Turnip the Beet
It may only be the first full week of June, but my garden is overflowing. I’m so sick of lettuce […]
So Long Personal Essay! The Op-Ed is King
A few weeks ago, Erin shared this New Yorker column about the demise of the personal essay with our staff. […]