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Week in Review

Week in Review
I love silly animal-related videos, and I’m definitely not alone—so many cat videos, so little time. What’s not to love? They give you small bursts of joy whenever you watch them, and now I know there’s a scientific reason behind it. Teresa sent me this article and I highly recommend you watch the videos for a good pick-me-up. If you had an extra tough week, enjoy this bonus clip courtesy of Erin.
Once you’ve finished squealing in delight, scroll on down to read the latest in higher ed news.
What’s new this week:
The Chronicle of Higher Education featured an interview with NASPA president Kevin Kruger in a video to discuss student activism.
In a new Huffington Post entry, Higher One’s Vice President of Financial Literacy and Student Aid Policy Mary Johnson discusses what it’ll take to move from helping students become financially literate to helping them become financially capable.
Drake University professor Mark Kende authored a piece for The Conversation on the GOP and the Supreme Court decision on ACA.
What we’ve been talking about:
Erin Hennessy reflected on what makes a consulting partnership work best for all involved.
This week, Inside Higher Ed’s Call to Action blog featured posts from Teresa Valerio Parrot on why telling the truth matters.
What we’ve been reading:
Kristine Maloney
In addition to reading entirely too many stories about Rachel Dolezal and Donald Trump this week, this story from The Hechinger Report really stuck with me. It’s an inspirational story about a formerly imprisoned woman with a learning disability who recently earned a college degree. While she has been able to turn her life around, her story illuminates so many breakdowns in our education system that we all need to pay more attention to and work to change.
I also loved this story about a preschool located inside a Seattle nursing home and am looking forward to watching the documentary about it made by Evan Briggs, an adjunct professor at Seattle University. The trailer is so touching—made me smile and cry. And made me want to hug my children and my grandparents! I recommend checking it out.
Ali Lincoln
My heart broke this week as I followed the news of the Charleston church shooting massacre, and regardless of differing views on gun politics and what solutions need to be put in place to end horrific violence like this, our nation took a huge hit. AGAIN. And I think Jon Stewart hit the nail on the head with this monologue on his show this week—a must-watch.
Teresa Valerio Parrot
I know I’ve mentioned before how much I like the BuzzFeed Sunday pieces, but this Sunday I appreciated that the pieces were so very, very different—one was the story of a soap opera star who moonlights as a building handyman and the other was an article on the rise of domestic violence on college campuses. Regarding the latter, the piece is a nice primer for all of us on an issue we are seeing more frequently across academia. And, if you haven’t done it yet, I highly encourage you to register for the BuzzReads email.
Erin Hennessy
The list of things I know nothing about is lengthy. Almost as lengthy as this article, “What Is Code?” that appeared in last week’s Businessweek and set my Twitter feed on fire. Like so many of us, I have a vague idea that code is what makes my phone and my computer work, but that’s about it, so I’m planning to invest the time to work through this 30,000-plus word piece and figure out what I don’t know.
Kyle Gunnels
I am interested in issues related to internationalization, and a big one is internship standards across the globe. Students who want to gain international experience are looking overseas to complete an internship, however many countries have different employment laws, standards and regulations that can impact these decisions. This piece from The PIE News goes in depth on the issue from different perspectives.
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