Our guest for this week’s episode is Teresa Valerio Parrot, Principal at TVP Communications. She has a wide-ranging conversation on this current […]
Thought Leadership
When We Say Goodbye
We concentrate time and energy on announcing new presidents yet rarely talk about how to position leaders for a graceful […]
NCAA takes seat on bench in the political game
Getting used to rejection and how to reframe it
“No” is just the beginning of your pitch.
What Leaders Communicate When Accepting Blame and Re-Directing Praise
Special Report: Accepting Blame, Sharing Praise
Josie and the Podcast: Leadership isn’t a popularity contest with Teresa Valerio Parrot
Teresa and Josie catch up in this episode, diving into what to prioritize on social media, why leaders should move […]
Breaking Rules and Making Enemies
Twin investigations find that Minnesota State College Southeast president Marsha Danielson violated policies on accepting gifts and maintaining a respectful […]
Podcast Crossover: The College Board’s Trouble in Florida
Trusted Voices podcast hosts Teresa Valerio Parrot and Erin Hennessy join the show to discuss the College Board chaos in […]
The Presidential Twitter Evolution
Why higher ed leaders must intentionally transition from personality to strategy.