I don’t know about you, but I need a break from the Kardashian baby boom and our president’s ongoing feud […]
Our Thinking
Week in Review: Falling in Love
Happy Fall! Today, my husband and I are celebrating our four-year anniversary. Of our marriage, that is, since we’ve been […]
Quick Hit: RIP USA Today College
This week, USA Today College announced that it is closing, effective immediately. The whole TVP Comms team was saddened by […]
Crisis Advice for our Admissions Colleagues
I recently received an email from Eric Hoover, a senior writer for The Chronicle of Higher Education. He was preparing […]
Week in Review: Feeling Blue
This week, Crayola announced the name of its new blue color—Bluetiful. I have some strong feelings about it. First of […]
#NACAC17 Isn’t Just for Admissions Officers
As admissions officers from around the country ship up to Boston (the parrot in this video welcomes you, too) for the annual […]
Week in Review: TGIF
It’s been a week. There’s a lot of uncertainty and tension in higher ed right now, between the DACA elimination […]
New Academic Year’s Resolutions
Kristine My main resolution for this academic year is more personal than professional, but I think it could have benefits […]
Week in Review: #TexasStrong
The stories of heartbreaking loss and heartwarming humanity in the wake of Harvey’s destruction in Texas have really affected me […]