Sunday is Mother’s Day, which got me thinking a few things: 1) Time to introduce my mom to my new […]
Our Thinking
Week in Review: Jamming in Berryland
I love strawberry season, and my family already went berry picking at a farm across the James River. After the great […]
Long To-Do List? Take a Coffee Break
May is a particularly busy time in higher education, so when two of my colleagues suggested squeezing in an unplanned […]
Quick Hit: My Weekend Off Social Media
As you may know, I decided last week to take a weekend off of social media. In our Week in […]
Week in Review: Turning up the heat
It’s technically just over a month into spring, but it feels like summer already down south. This weekend is set […]
What Aretha Teaches Us About Media Relations
Every once in a while, something appears on the internet that reminds me how grateful I am for this complex […]
Quick Hit: Want to Nail an Interview? Listen to This Sheryl Sandberg Piece on NPR
While she has her critics, Sheryl Sandberg nailed this interview on NPR’s All Things Considered yesterday. The Facebook executive, mother […]
Week in Review: Rolling in Green
Now that we’ve had some rain and warm weather, my vegetable garden is starting to take off. All but one […]
M.B.A. Lessons at The Dinner Table
My husband is currently working on his M.B.A. (Only two more classes until he is done!!) He is in the […]