On August 1, NPR’s health blog, Shots, reported on the effectiveness of campus communications at Georgia Tech after a massive […]
Our Thinking
Review of a Solid Data Incident Response
Recently TVP Communications had the distinct honor to work with an institution to communicate a potential “data incident” on campus. […]
What’s in a minute? More than 60 seconds.
Yesterday I found myself talking with two friends about how at times it feels like social media and the Internet […]
“Back-to-School” Trend Time! (ie. the most wonderful time of the year!)
It seems like summer just started. But the fall semester is only weeks away – which, for me, is equal […]
TVP Comms in D.C.
This week TVP Comms is spending some time in our nation’s capital—also known in our circles as the higher education […]
Recognition of Excellence for Our Own Kristine Maloney
Congratulations to College of the Holy Cross and Kristine Maloney, then national media relations director for the College and now […]
What if there was an academic version of the athletic "Media Days" spectacle?
Admittedly, I am a huge college football fan (Roll Tide). For me, and many other fans, this week has included […]
The Power of an Apology
I’m often asked for examples of apologies and have trouble sharing solid samples. A sincere apology in higher education, politics, […]
29% of Undergrads are Traditional Students: Market Accordingly!
It’s last week’s news, but I still can’t get over it! Only 29% of college undergraduates are traditional students. That’s […]