The holidays are just around the corner, which means my household is swimming in decorations, sweet treats and good cheer. […]
Our Thinking
Week in Review: The Post-Thanksgiving Sprint
Welcome back to the Week in Review! Here’s hoping you’re still feeling refreshed from the long Thanksgiving weekend. Though, if […]
There's No Replacement for Honesty in Media Relations
It was the kind of conversation that never should have happened. My employer at the time was working to avoid […]
A Little Thanksgiving Twitter Fun
Here at TVP Comms we’re not huge on holiday banter. Or, rather, I’m not huge on holiday banter (or small […]
Week in Review: International Education Week, Planning for Turkey and Adele
Today is a pretty great day—it’s Friday, the new Adele album is finally here (Hello.), it’s been International Education Week […]
The Joys of Business Travel
One of the questions I get asked most often about my job is some variation on “Do you travel a […]
Week in Review
There’s always a lot of news and a lot going on in the weeks leading up to the holiday season—and […]
Week in Review
I have two statistics for you today. There are 51 ½ weeks until the presidential election. There are eight weeks […]
The Power of Praise
All of the candy hasn’t even been eaten yet (despite my best efforts), but with the flip of the calendar, […]