Happy Friday everyone! Three TVP Comms-ers are out today—most are squeezing in a last summer getaway—so that means Teresa and […]
Our Thinking
Your Research Isn’t Gaining Traction? Then Work With Me, People!
Earlier this week I read an op-ed from two academics and I loved it so much I’m thinking of getting […]
Week in Review
Remember all of the posts I made about the horrible winter in Massachusetts? For the record, the last bit of […]
E-Toxing and Why I'm Going to Kick My Screen Addiction
Have you ever heard of e-toxing? No? Until recently, neither had I. The other day I had one of the […]
The End-of-Summer Blues
I got up this morning and noticed something awful. Leaves are falling off the tree outside my living room window. […]
Week in Review
The TVP Comms team was reunited in Boston this week for our staff retreat and it did not disappoint. One […]
Stewart’s Sign Off Marks End of News Era
Today marks the end of era for political news junkies. After 16 remarkably successful years, Jon Stewart will appear in […]
Losing the College Essay
August 1 marked the unofficial opening to the 2015-2016 college application season with the Common Application going live. And there […]
Week in Review
What luck, dear readers, that you get a Harry Potter related-opening two weeks in a row! Today is Harry’s (and […]